10 Best Productivity Tips To Become More Successful

Proven productivity tips and methods that work.

There are many different ways and methods to become more productive. Here is the  list of tips to help you to make productivity into habit.

1 . Speak less and do more and then show it to the people.

Everybody has his or her own iceberg. Some people prefer to speak all the time about their dreams wishes and plans and they spend the whole time just talking instead of really taking action.

If you want to be productive, you have to be really precise about your goals. Instead of speaking, just do it and show it. Each successful person had failures and mistakes on his / her  way of learning and trying before succeeding to reach the final goal.

The thing is that these people hide their iceberg of work. They have a clear structure and concrete steps to work towards their goal.

2. Don’t put too many tasks on your list, divide goals into concrete steps.

Productivity also has to do with a goal setting.  you can read more tips and tricks about goal setting in my Post The Secrets of Successful Goal Setting. Why failures happen and how to prevent them.

3. Structure your day so that you have enough pauses and movement.

you have enough pauses and movement

It’s only important to structure your day in that way so that you can have enough movement and then sit in front of the computer the whole day.  if your body feels bad it reflects on your work,  on your mood and focus.

That’s fine make sure that you have enough movement during the day,  do some sports, yoga or dance or whatever that makes you move. when your body feels good,  you have a clear mind and focus and get better results.

Tweet: Take care of your body and it will take care of your focus. By @elen_ramirez

If you like yoga here awesome apps and interesting that was about yogaYou can find a yoga studio all over the world. On this site you can put a city and get a list of studios there.

If you haven’t done yoga but find it interesting to try, in this article you can read more about benefits of yoga.

And if you prefer fitness, there is a fitness app too.

Yoga Apps:

Yoga Studio App

Yoga.com: 300 Poses & Video Classes

Pocket Yoga

Fitness Buddy with 1700+ Exercise Workout Trainer and Workout Journal

There is no excuse not to move.  You can go to a fitness center, Yoga School, dance school, you can do freeletics, do a workout, yoga or dance at home or also join a group of people to do sports outside.  if you want to try something special I can try of free running,  Chinese pole  and much more.

4. Don’t multitask, whatever you do focus on it with a clear mind.

There is no excuse not to move

Do you know that feeling when you sit working and from time to time dispersing your attention on things that are not important. It could be something that happens in the surroundings, it could be social media, other people speaking maybe the noise, unrealistic amount of tasks or your own thoughts. That’s why it’s very important to keep that Many people meditate because it helps them to reach this state of mind. It helps them to have a moment for themselves,  let their thoughts  flow by and to clear the mind of unnecessary  worries,  preoccupations,  emotions and fears. Moreover it gives them energy  and focus to work on their goals.

Here are some blogs and apps about meditation:

Asaya mind

At Asaya mind you can find a great article about what is meditation and about types of meditation.

Calm.com and Calm App




Some other Apps

The Mindfulness App 

Buddhify – mindfulness & meditation for modern life.

Simply Being

Dharma Seed 

Oprah & Deepak’s 21-Day Meditation Experience


Insight Timer 

5. You can work by yourself or go to a co-working space.

There are a lot of different co-working space around the world.  so you can go and work with other like-minded entrepreneurs, make friends,  have a good time during the meal breaks,  insert example from them, working with focus on your own thing. It is also networking,  which is very good for your business.

Here are some articles for you about different co-working spaces around the world: 12 of the coolest coworking spaces around the world and 20 Hot Coworking Spaces for Business.

6. Eat well and healthy, as it will help you to concentrate better and to have more energy

Eat well and healthy

Good health is also very important.  if you don’t eat well you have less energy.  it also influences your motivation.  for example eating a lot of sweets gives energy but for a short time and then you feel so hungry shortly again.  heavy food make you sleepy and is not healthy.  eating that can also lead to lack of vitamins and can reduce your productivity consequently.  the same things all the time without variation can make you feel bored and you can start eating more.

In yoga three are types of food.  you can read more about it the following post 3 Types of Food according to yoga that affect your state of mind and behavior.

Alkaline food is very healthy under this link you can download a free alkaline food table.  In this Article about alkaline food you can inform yourself about alkaline food.

Vegetables give you more energy than cooked food.   Vegan and raw vegan food habits a very healthy,  the only thing that you have to consider is it to take enough vitamins like iron, vitamin D and jod.  Whatever food style your choose, everybody is different and it’s important to listen to your body´s clock and to your organism.  Some things can be good for some people and cause stomach or skin troubles for others.

If you need some inspiration for your meals you can check these blogs:

101 Cookbooks. They have many vegan recipes.

Raw Food for Life

Thrive on Fruit YouTube Channel by a friend of mine Chloé.

7. Establish a consistent work process.

Sometimes it’s so difficult to get used to the consistent work, for example writing every morning. In this case you can take a piece of paper and write down the things you want to do. The best way is to write them in the evening in order to check them in the morning and start working with a clear structure and well defined realistic tasks.

Sometimes you don’t like tasks and you freak out without doing anything.  set could help you there is a trick that could help you to manage doing it. So you have to tell your mind  the TV just tried for a very short. Of time maybe 5 or 10 minutes.  in this way so you don’t like to do with you feels that it’s a very short time and then you don’t have to do it anymore.  you can start the day after day working at some tasks that you don’t like and after 21 days you will get used to it and can do it more time longer.  by 21 days because it’s a psychological h1. Of time but if I need to get something into a habit.  So just going to try it and share your experience in comments.

8. Mindset, attitude and motivation.

Being productive has also to do  with motivation.  If you don’t feel motivated by what you’re doing, you get less results.  If you are not motivated you just don’t want to do things. In order to keep motivated it’s important to be mindful not only of your goal but also of the reason why you are doing it. We all speak about the famous “why”, the one thing that we forgot is to keep that “why” in your heart. Subconsciously you already know why you’re working at this or that task,  as you get tired on board you feel easily discouraged you can also stop trying if you are not getting it at once.  If you really feel  inspiration and enthusiasm thinking of your future achievements,  you will stay tuned each step of the way.

Mindset, attitude and motivation.Another very important criteria in productivity is a correct mindset.  you at work influences the quality and focus of your work.  the concept mindset attitude goal setting – they all  belong to a bigger concept for  you and your life goals.

it’s very important when doing something be able to see the reason and sense behind it.  we are looking for some sense some meaning in life you know actions in our thoughts in other people in the world that surrounds us.  if you don’t see any sense a little sense in what you’re doing you may quit  it easily, feel dissatisfaction,  undo things without any purpose.

That´s why it´s very important to be mindful of the meaning of each task. You can ask yourself: “Does it make sense? Will it bring me forward towards my goal? How it will help me to achieve my goal? Is it really necessary to do or can I omit it?”  in this way you make your mind sure that the actions of tasks that you are doing really matters.  this helps you to work with an  asserted mind.

Your behavior can be also productive or not.  New habits and your lifestyle play role and how you work if you are a morning person or an evening person which time of the day you’re working maybe you just go out during the most productive time so then you have to restructure your day.

What also has to do with the attitude with me to work and your motivation is being surrounded by the right people and being so sure of your decision set nobody can make you change your mind.  people also critique headers and make them doubt.  try to avoid people who criticize your phone you don’t support your idea.  Don’t hang out with people who don’t care your lifestyle your way to see the world don’t lose your time to hear critics.  going to run yourself is like minded people who support each other on the way of fulfilling their plans and ideas.  bringing communities people the same interests go 2 meters go to conferences go to vans that has to do with your idea.  In this way you will be more motivated and also more productive.

9. Make or join a mastermind

Make or join a mastermind

The good idea to become productive is to have a mastermind with other people who have similar plans like for example starting a business or on the same phase in the business  as you.  they come from different area and you can share knowledge with each other set weekly goals and be accountable of fulfilling them. You can also choose a place where you all go and work.  is also quoted change places from time to time it’s good for your mind just for a change of space.  sometimes working in the same place can make you. That’s why it’s really good sometimes to try another place to work from.

10. Use templates, calendar and productivity apps that facilitate your work process and structure.

Productivity also means using good planning templates or calendar. Use an online calendar or if you prefer to write, then buy a calendar. I definitely recommend you to use Google Calendar, as it´s very practical and it also synchronizes with my calendar on the smartphone. You can also share your appointments with your friends or your team. And the best thing is that you don´t have to carry the calendar with you all the time not to forget your timetable.

Please write in comments: What are the the 3 biggest productivity problems that you are facing now and how do you solve them?  

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